(confession: I actually had this post almost written and a quick tap of the wrong finger copied and deleted the whole thing!!!...I mean how does that happen? copied....then deleted...as I was typing??!!! if I had wanted to do that....ya, you know where I'm going! ;)
It was a good week...a good week for a stay-at-home-homeschooling-momma is indeed a good week! 😏 I got caught up in my correcting (amazeballs!!!) that apparently is not a word and my computer is flipping out! 😏
For a week that started with a dozen hornets flying around our heads in the schoolroom and me demanding my rights that no salamanders deserved a home in MY home....I mean that all happened in less than five minutes on a Monday morning....y'all making me go crazy up in here! ya know what I'm saying! 😉 here we are at Friday and I'm calling it a good week 😏 (this smirking face has really got me today!)
We picked up some apples and helped with apple sauce for a bit to help a friend, gathered some walnuts for the littles to sell...the Lord wowed and overwhelmed us with a new-to-us fridge which we needed...well needed? I'm not sure...need like some need healing and comfort? or need it like some need love and home and family? no....let's say that we had a fridge here in the house and it works and it is fine but it leaked all over the floor and the shelves inside are all broken so everything falls to the middle and it is too small for our family's food supply! so did we "need" this? maybe not....but the Lord blessed us and I am so thankful for it and how the Lord cares for me though I am so underserving! 😧
I went soul-winning with my beloved pastor's wife....now a introverted hermit's worst nightmare is being taken to walk up to complete strangers and talk AHHHHHHH!!! 😱😱😱 I can't even remember MY name let alone their's or anything about what I am supposed to be sharing...bahahah but thankfully my beloved pastor's wife is kind and loving and understanding and patient 😇 2 souls were saved and several invited out to church and to our upcoming revival meetings..I am praying that we will meet them at church soon!!!
It may be fall...but the weather is hot enough to melt me....that's hot y'all! I believe it is suppose to be a feels like 101* today....happy first day of fall!!!!😆
see you next week!
P.S. and don't forget...if you are interested in an awesome natural makeup line that actually works and is worth your money...check out my link below!
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