Wednesday, October 11, 2017

What's Up Wednesday!

oh my! my life just seems to hop from one major thing to another...😮

I have been MIA lately because we......wait for it......

MOVED!!!!!!!  again!

across the street. LOL

 This dear child of mine has struggled and fought with asthma for the last year...she has been so sick and pretty much in a constant state of attack. We have tried so many different things till we had exhausted all resources and more...we knew that the house was her problem. We were offered the house across the street (and for those of you wondering housing is part of my husband's job here) and so our olders camped out to test run it (ain't anybody got time to move for nothing! ;)

The verdict came back in all without wasting anymore time..we moved! We are still in the process and our place is topsy turvy but we are here...she is breathing...and all is well in God's world!

 These lovely ladies all need glasses....two of them had glasses before and we were mending and repairing them for the last year and a half 😏😏 the other we knew needed glasses eventually so here we go! 3 with and 3 without! 😍 they are so cute!

I wanted to check out the Fall Crafter's Fair in Shipshe this last week...we found some very cute but a little smelly friends there! how cute! (I want one!!!)

 We have gotten some rainy days here and with the move we have lost track of a few essential items like jackets or sweaters or boots or shoes for that matter, apparently! 😏💦💦 never fear!!! garbage bags are the latest in rain fashion!!

Thanks for checking back in today and visiting with us!

Fashion Friday coming right up!



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