Wednesday, August 30, 2017

What's Up Wednesday!

I just wanted to pop on and share a little about our homeschool schedule and how it works for us!

First of all...we do Abeka. Currently we are enjoying the DVD program and we do independent parent led until Grade 9 at which point we switch to accredited. This gives our graduates a recognized diploma and transcripts for whatever their future holds! :)

Our kiddos rise early...I say early because anything before 8 at least is too early for me! ha! our olders generally are up and going by 7 and the youngers do very well at getting around also. The only rule I have right now is that they have to be doing school by 8....this gets them done usually around noon with maybe one more class to finish after lunch...depends upon the child and what time they started.

After Bible class, we do a quick basic 20-30 minutes of cleaning. The girls each have an area that they are responsible for and by working together we can keep up on the mess that quickly accumulates during the day.

We take a 20 minute recess break at 10:20...and an hour for lunch.

We like to do a Bible study of some sort together so we stop around 10 for that. After lunch break we enjoy story time together...we have laughed and loved our way through so many books together!

This year we are doing music theory and French as extras...these are not done every day and if we can't fit it in every week we do not stress about it...but we do our best!

I also teach them piano and oversee violin and flute lessons. We pick the best day to work these in and do our best to stay faithful but again don't stress if life happens somedays and we can't get in all in.

The general aim is for all school to be done by 2 and most days they are done by dinner....they get free time till 4 which is "homework" time....we don't usually have much for homework but we stress preparation for the next day and making sure we have what we need to be prepared!

We all work together to help each other out whether it is asking Spelling words, doing appendix quizzes or correcting. The older girls pitch in to tutor the younger ones.

This year our 2 seniors are working their first real job and doing we have a work schedule to "work" around for them....we are excited to watch them take this big step and learn how to manage a job and school at the same time. That is life....and that is what we train them for!

I am really looking forward to this year of school...we are on Day 3...we got a good early almost seemed too easy this year! With homeschool there are many ups and downs during the course of the year...I am thankful that the Lord has blessed us with a good start!

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