Thursday, November 16, 2017

Shopping Guide!! here's the husband declares that I am too hard to shop for!😇😲

colour me surprised!!! I mean really?!!!! I can think of a bajillion things just off the top of my head that I would love🙋

how can that be so hard?!

but seriously this guy...he does not get hints...nahope! I have to take pictures of the exact thing in the exact colour in the exact row at the exact store in the exact town...ya get where I'm going?😏😉😂

I really think I'm quite easy! 😇😇

so I thought maybe y'all have the same trouble and what fun it would be to share some of the things that would catch my eye or some things that I already have (thanks TJ!!!💋) that I absolutely love!

here we go!

I love my instant of my fav things to do is cook up a bunch of chicken and shred it so we have it on hand for sandwiches, wraps, salads, pizza, etc. for lunches....yup! 💕

hmmmmm..I may have gotten lost when I saw this dress and then I was like, oh yeah writing a blog post!😏 I have been wanting the perfect grey dress for wintering around the house...this is it!! 

I didn't include a link because you can find these everywhere...we found some at Meijers last night 😏 heeled ankle boots? took me a while to see...but they can be cute especially with dresses!

been wanting these for my table!💓 I love everything and anything farmhouse style!!

yup...boring...but let me tell you when you don't have enough they are pretty important! 😉

you can't go wrong with good music...whether it's piano books, new songs to sing, good listening's a big hit with me!

and where would I be without some of my favourite products!!💓 give the gift of lashes to yourself or your bestie this Christmas! great stocking stuffers! 😏😉

There you have the top of my head 8+ perfect gift ideas!!

You're welcome! 😇


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