Monday, February 6, 2017

Modest Monday!

well I guess I have had some winter blahs even though our first winter here has been absolutely gorgeous considering that I was outside in short sleeves right up until the end of November, we have had very little snow and what snow we have got, rain took it away within a couple of days. Today is the first week of February and it is so nice outside I can do short sleeves!!! The birds are singing away today I'm pretty sure they think it's spring! It is so nice to hear their cheeriness!

The sun has been out and the skies have been blue the last couple of days and it is so encouraging! Even though we have had such a good easy winter it has still been easy for me to get the winter blahs...the greyness and the cold after a while just creep into your soul. Though we are sure we haven't seen the last of winter I am going to soak up all the sunshine I can!! Spring is just around the corner!

Groopdealz and have been a great source for good deals on dresses for me and the girls. The one below was a Christmas gift that finally arrived in February! This is the first time I have had any issues with them...for some reason they had marked my order as complete when it wasn't! Because of this mistake by the time I started making contact the dress I had ordered was out of stock so the one below was the same pattern on burgundy instead of black. I was somewhat disappointed in the colour change but on the other hand I ended up liking the colours on me so it was all good in the end. The feather necklace and the angle boots were also purchases from Groopdealz.
Looking forward to spring!


linking up with http://www.themodestmomblog.comhttp://www.whatjoyismine.nethttp://ourhomeofmanyblessings.comhttp://strangersandpilgrimsonearth.blogspot.ca


  1. Heidi - Cute boots and the dress is too! I am always leary of ordering clothes online myself, but I am getting braver. So where do you live that you were wearing shorts into November? I love that I am your neighbor today at #MondayMusings thanks for sharing

    1. Hi Debbie thanks for dropping by! We live in northeast Indiana :) we certainly are enjoying a very mild winter!

  2. Very, very cute boots! We've had unseasonably warm weather today, too, but that's supposed to change later in the week. Let's enjoy it while it lasts!
    Blessings, Leigh

    1. thunderstorms today! we are loving this mind winter! thanks for dropping by Leigh!

  3. I love the fabric from your dress!!! Thank you for sharing with us on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth! :)
