Thursday, September 22, 2016

When God Calls.....


After dropping the "we're moving!" bomb on y'all and everybody else also....I promised to write on the other side and share a little more about this :)

This is such a long and beautiful story of the hand of God at work in our lives! Not only does our family have a side of this story but so many other people do too and that makes us so thrilled, excited and in awe at the wondrous working power of our God.

I do not have the time nor the internet connection to start at the beginning but maybe as we go along I will be able to share more and more about our calling.

Suffice to say that we upped and offed in about the space of 3 weeks....

when God calls, He also moves, prepares the way and goes before!

In short, my husband and I have felt the call of God to be in full-time service for some time now but much like Moses did, we needed to spend time in the wilderness until it was God's time. This wilderness time was a grounding time and a preparation time...filled with many ups and downs, struggles, misunderstanding, judgment, blessings,discouragement and ultimately growth in many ways but through it all God remained stedfast and sure, the Rock to which we could cling.

My husband accepted a position as chaplain at the Howe Military Academy. This place has always and forever been Episcopalian so for it to suddenly change to Fundamental Baptist is in and of itself a miracle and still hard to believe! :)

We are busy here working among the cadets being stretched daily.

As an introvert, I find this stretching often beyond my capabilities but I know that I need to trust God and just be willing to be used.

We are so happy to be part of the greatest project on earth...God's project, the great commission!

We so need your prayers and so do the cadets.

I will share more, I promise.....but for now let's see if my connection will post this! ;)



  1. I've been praying for you through this change. So thankful to hear the good news of the Lord's blessings. I'm excited to see what the Lord will do there!

  2. God bless you as He continues to lead you and the family in the path He wants to I trust you with..lots of prayers and love.Brother and Sister Pigott
