Monday, February 13, 2017

Modest Monday-Standing in the Gap

  And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land..... ~Ezekiel 22:30a

The Lord is searching...searching for men and women to make up the hedge.

To stand in the gap.

For the land....for your family.

Honestly sometimes I just don't want to be the one...the cost is too hard...

Who likes to be judged, or misunderstood...or just different...not me!

But I'd rather be on the Lord's side than on the world's side.

Lord...I'll be that one. Help me stand!

dress~ Neesees Dresses

This dress is soft and know how we like to say "wearing our pyjamas to church"? You know how maxi skirts are like that? These dresses are too! :) Quick. Simple. No Fuss. Perfect look for church!

Coral seemed to be the unplanned theme of the of course we had to document it!

Looking forward to switching out these ankle boots for some pretty heels or sandals! 

The countdown for spring is on!!!

34 days!!

Thanks for dropping by!


  1. Where did you get your dress. It's beautiful. My daughters and I are the only ones in our area that wear skirts and dresses. I understand;)
    God bless

    1. hi Mrs. O! this dress came from Neeses Dresses....we love their dresses and the prices are very reasonable! thanks for dropping by!
